Mission 01: Balloon Satellite Launch

The Balloon Satellite Launch segment of the mission will be executed with precision, with the goal of reaching an altitude of 40 km within Earth's atmosphere. The high-altitude balloon, carrying the satellite payload, will gather extensive data on atmospheric conditions, including pressure, temperature, and humidity, alongside capturing valuable video footage of the journey. Upon completion of its ascent, the balloon and its payload will be safely retrieved, ensuring the preservation and subsequent analysis of all collected data. This mission segment is crucial for advancing our understanding of the Earth's upper atmosphere and validating the performance of our equipment in extreme conditions.

Fees for Program: Rs 800/-

The program is in joint collaboration with the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and ISTRAC-ISRO, and is set to be deployed on December 3, 2023.

Key Highlights of Kalam Labs Kids Balloon Sat Program 

4 Week Online Space Facts Learning Round

4 - Live Hands on Balloon-Satellite Building session at Kalam Labs

Special Invitation for the Top Performer to the Actual Launch of the Balloon Satellite

Certificate and Photo of Top Performer to be launched into space with the Satellite Payload.

Fees for Program:
Rs 800/-

Get Started

Key Highlights of Kalam Labs Kids Balloon Sat Program 

Mission 01: Balloon Satellite Launch

4 Week Online Space Facts Learning Round

4 - Live Hands on Balloon-Satellite Building session at Kalam Labs

Special Invitation for the Top Performer to the Actual Launch of the Balloon Satellite

Certificate and Photo of Top Performer to be launched into space with the Satellite Payload.

The Balloon Satellite Launch segment of the mission will be executed with precision, with the goal of reaching an altitude of 40 km within Earth's atmosphere. The high-altitude balloon, carrying the satellite payload, will gather extensive data on atmospheric conditions, including pressure, temperature, and humidity, alongside capturing valuable video footage of the journey. Upon completion of its ascent, the balloon and its payload will be safely retrieved, ensuring the preservation and subsequent analysis of all collected data. This mission segment is crucial for advancing our understanding of the Earth's upper atmosphere and validating the performance of our equipment in extreme conditions.

The program is in joint collaboration with the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and ISTRAC-ISRO, and is set to be deployed on December 3, 2023.

Topics studied during the program: 

Week 1:  Introduction to Space

  1. Placement of Earth and Solar System. 

  2. Previous Space Missions

  3. Key Challenges in Space 

  4. Mysterious Realms of Space

Week 2: Atmosphere of Earth

  1. Layers of Earth’s Atmosphere 

  2. Flying up in the Sky

  3. Challenges in leaving Earth

  4. Communication to Outer Space

Week 3:  Astrophysics of Balloon Sat

  1. Balloon Satellite Functioning

  2. Component and Design of Balloon Satellite

  3. Previous Balloon Satellite Missions

  4. Key Challenges of Balloon Satellite

Week 4: Final Space Deployment & Test

  1. Testing of Kalam Balloon Satellite

  2. Communication Testing

  3. Factors of Launch: Weather, Wind speed, Air Traffic etc

  4. Final D-Day

Launch Date:
November 23, 2023

Topics studied during the program: 

Week 1:  Introduction to Space

  1. Placement of Earth and Solar System. 

  2. Previous Space Missions

  3. Key Challenges in Space 

  4. Mysterious Realms of Space

Week 2: Atmosphere of Earth

  1. Layers of Earth’s Atmosphere 

  2. Flying up in the Sky

  3. Challenges in leaving Earth

  4. Communication to Outer Space

Week 3:  Astrophysics of Balloon Sat

  1. Balloon Satellite Functioning

  2. Component and Design of Balloon Satellite

  3. Previous Balloon Satellite Missions

  4. Key Challenges of Balloon Satellite

Week 4: Final Space Deployment & Test

  1. Testing of Kalam Balloon Satellite

  2. Communication Testing

  3. Factors of Launch: Weather, Wind speed, Air Traffic etc

  4. Final D-Day

Launch Date:
November 23, 2023

The program is in joint collaboration with the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and ISTRAC-ISRO, and is set to be deployed on December 3, 2023.

Monthly Subscription Plans

for your Space Lover Child

Join Kalam Labs

Monthly Subscription Plans

for your Space Lover Child

1 Month Subscription



4 Cosmic Championships

4 AI-powered Analyses

1 Telescope Party

Chance to Build Space Project

(Highest Water Rocket)

Get Started

3 Months Subscription


12 Cosmic Championships

12 AI-powered Analysis

3 Telescope Parties

Opportunity to Build Space

Projects Highest Water Rocket,

Nano Satellite, Telescope


Get Started

6 Months Subscription


24 Cosmic Championships

24 AI-powered Analyses

6 Telescope Parties

Opportunity to Build Highest

Water Rocket, Nano Satellite,

Telescope Observatory, Solar

Drones, Space-Faring

Vacuum Ball, Multi-Stage

Candy Rocket

Get Started

1 Month Subscription


4 Cosmic Championships

4 AI-powered Analyses

1 Telescope Party

Opportunity to Build Space Project

(Highest Water Rocket)

Get Started

3 Months Subscription


12 Cosmic Championships

12 AI-powered Analyses

3 Telescope Parties

Opportunity to Build Space Projects

Highest Water Rocket,

Nano Satellite, Telescope


Get Started

6 Months Subscription


24 Cosmic Championships

24 AI-powered Analyses

6 Telescope Parties

Opportunity to Build Highest

Water Rocket, Nano Satellite,

Telescope Observatory, Solar

Drones, Space-Faring

Vacuum Ball, Multi-Stage

Candy Rocket

Get Started

Internally Acclaimed Selection Process

Internally Acclaimed Selection Process

Internally Acclaimed Selection Process

Internally Acclaimed Selection Process

Top Kids at Kalam Labs get selected by highly engaging space quiz acclaimed by Finland Education Body, Akava.

Top Kids at Kalam Labs get selected by highly engaging space quiz acclaimed by Finland Education Body, Akava.

Top Kids at Kalam Labs get selected by highly engaging space quiz acclaimed by Finland Education Body, Akava.

Top Kids at Kalam Labs get selected by highly engaging space quiz acclaimed by Finland Education Body, Akava.